Thursday 12 November 2009

Week 8 An Organisation to promote Sustainable Consumption...Green BBC

I'd pick the BBC because there are so many different channels on both television and radio where the message could be got out in diverse ways.

I'd ask them to include the eco theme in programmes of all sorts, with an emphasis on exemplifying, since my reading of the stats on Richard's graph on Wednesdays lecture gave me the impression that stronger than the community issue in encouraging people to change their behaviours towards saving energy was the desire to a) be like the exemplars (i.e. the players in the football club), b) to accept a message more readily from someone trusted (who in this case, however illogically was once again the members of the team).

So over the course of a licence fee paying year the whole organisation would turn out a programme every week (and a mini happening every day) with a different well known person supporting the eco message in as many different ways as possible, from a nudge in the few seconds of a programme introduction, to a programme taking an ecological view on issues such as green transport, recycling, solar and wind energy, insulation, food waste, permaculture, less packaging, lowering central heating, consuming less, growing your own food (they are doing this already) etc etc. There would be online websites to support with information and links to appropriate organisations. There would be a game show of some kind in which teams of celebrities and families would compete for improving their lifestlyes ecologically. Or a similar concept. The idea being to make the issues part of everyday life through constant exposure and a talking point in the same way it appears the X Factor and Strictly are in certain sections of the population at present and to have well known and trusted figures putting out the message and taking part in the behaviour for all to see.

I would be heavily reliant on "experts" in this field for advice on what the most likely vehicles would be for successful carrying of the message, but there should be no shortage of them at the BBC.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Caroline,

    Apologies for the delay in replying to this thread, particularly as it's based on my lecture! It's interesting that you chose a broadcaster, as one of the ways in which I could see the football theme that I spoke about being further utilised is via...broadcasters...imagine the impact of a 30sec intro from a key player or manager of a club involved in that weekends big game highlighting what they/their club have been doing lately towards achieving 'sustainable football'. Sky have a charity partner that I think they change every three years or so, and it's currently Global Action Plan so you would think/hope there is some scope there for a bit of positive environmental messaging to find its way onto the airwaves.

    Unfortunately, Sky also own Fox and its evil cousin Fox News in the US who have been one of the most stalwart supporters of all things neo-liberal and business as usual and have recently been trashing climate change as a left-wing conspiracy in light of climategate, so perhaps I'm living in a green-hued dream land in thinking they might be interested...
